Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Let it snow!

What an exciting last week we had! I loved getting to play in my first snow. Daddy took my out to play even though it was dark outside.
Mommy brought Gracie out for a min just so she can say she was a part of it all. I don' t think she minded staying inside and going to bed.
This is Daddy and me catching snowflakes on our tongues.
Another new activity I have discovered is paint with water. It is great! I like to put my paintings on the frig and paint standing up. I feel a little more free this way to let my artistic juices flow.


Anonymous said...

Aw! I love it! Alli tried to catch some snowflakes at our house too when it snowed. and I love Chris' hat. Very nice.

Nellie said...

I love these! Alli's little purple coat is so very cute! What does Chris have on his head????

Design A-Peele said...

So Cute. Looking forward to dinner tonight!

Melissa said...

Is that how your mommy got strep again - playing out in the snow?

Two Mini Girls said...

Alli, you are soo cute, I am glad you got to play in the snow!!!! How does the snow taste?

matt said...

Hey Alli, tell mommy to tell daddy that his hat is fantastic. I would also like to know where Beth can buy one for your favorite uncle.

Anonymous said...

That's right, Alli - you have to have your creative "space" - just go with it, girlfriend!