Friday, October 30, 2009

Poor poor Gracie:(

This morning started with a bang! Gracie ran into the kitchen for breakfast in her sock feet. She slipped and slammed into the corner of the cabinet. Mommy took her to the urgent care to see if she needed stitches while I stayed at home with Daddy. No stitches were needed. Just steri-strips(sp?) and Motrin. She is already feeling better and back to running way too fast, and screeching around corners in the house.
I on the other hand am feeling really great today. Much of that is due to my new soft outfit Mommy made me. I LOVE it! There is nothing like new clothes to put a spring in your step.
Mommy thinks the outfit is cute, but will never sew with that fabric again! She says it is the pits!!
Gracie and I love each other so much. Yesterday Mommy found us playing in my room like this. I told her she should take a picture, so she did;)


Design A-Peele said...

i just love it! Poor Gracie :(

Design A-Peele said...

by the way, it looks exactly like Alli in that one pic of them standing next to each other. CRAZY!

The Family Senter said...

poor gracie! so sorry that happened but so glad she didn't need stiches!
and about the fabric, I made those exact pants for Addie Lane in the green fabric. I thought it was hard to work with too, especially the ruffle b/c the fabric was so thick. I have to do another pair though b/c Lillie picked out the pink fabric for hers. I have been putting it off and now who knows when it will get done.
I love the ones you made. I made an applique shirt for AL too with hers but never thought to put it on the bottom corner like that, super cute!
wish you were closer and we could have a sewing night!

Cheryl L said...

Ooohhhh, so sorry about Gracie's unfortunate accident. Good thing she didn't need stitches.

That fabric (minkee) is SOOOOO soft and makes great backings for small quilts--I've done lots of those, but I can't imagine what a pain it was to make those pants--especially with the ruffles! You have my utmost respect, Dani!!!