Monday, October 19, 2009

Fall around here

A few weekends ago we went for a picnic and to the Pumpkin patch. Gracie's favorite part was the Picnic!
I liked the Pumpkin patch. The little ones were my favorites.
We had a such fun day together.
In other news we had our back door replaced recently. That may not sound very exciting, but Gracie and I LOVED it!! Mr. Bill from our church did it for us, and Gracie and I were completely mesmerized the entire time. Mommy kept telling us to scoot back and give him room to work, but it was so interesting that we kept inching forward.
Mr. Bill was so nice and let us watch as much as we wanted.

1 comment:

Design A-Peele said...

they look so cute. we can't wait to see y'all on thursday!