Thursday, May 19, 2011

A Gracie story

So....Last night Daddy was at a meeting so I was doing bedtime by myself. I put you girls to bed, and had just sat down to feed Christopher when Alli came running out of your room. Alli looked scared to death and said "Mommy! You have to go help Gracie! Her head is stuck under the bead!!" Obviously I jumped up and handed Alli Christopher and ran to see what was going on. Sure enough Gracie, your head was under the bed, and your body was sting out. You were crying and scared. I helped you simply turn your head to the side to slide it out. Then I calmed you down, and put you back to bed. I would have LOVED to run grab the camera so that you could see what all this looked like from my perspective, but I felt that would be way to mean to leave you like that any longer. This morning Daddy and I asked you about it. We wanted to know how in the world an obedient little girl who is supposed to stay in bed gets their head stuck under the bed. There was a lot of smiling and finger sucking before you finally said you were out of the bed playing.
Gracie this is just a pretty typical story about you. You are always keeping us on our toes;) We love you!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

You painted a great picture even without a camera! Thanks for sharing!