Sunday, February 22, 2009

Is it summer yet?

Few things bring out the dancer in a little girl as much as trying on a bathing suit. Mommy says this changes as you get older. Anyway, Gracie and I had a great time trying them on.
As you can see, I was a bit chilly and wrapped myself in a blanket, but defiantly didn't want to change back into my warmer clothes.

The temperature didn't seem to bother Gracie. She ran around to stay warm I guess.


The Family Senter said...

so cute!
love the swim suits girls!

Melissa said...

Are we potty training? I saw "Bye Bye Diapers" in Gracie's hand! Miles used the potty for the first time today!

Dani said...

Yea for Miles!!! NO WE are NOT potty training. It is just a favorite book;)