Monday, November 10, 2008

Gracie and her baby

Gracie's favorite toy right now is her baby. She is such a good little mommy. This video is sort of long, but Mommy doesn't know how to edit videos. Sorry.


The Family Senter said...

precious little mama!
I miss that sweet little stage
it goes by in a blink

Anonymous said...

i like how she just disposes of the sippy cup, spoon and bowl/cup on the floor to tend pick her baby up. thats what moms do, put down everything in a moments notice to tend to their kids. where was alli?

Design A-Peele said...

that was so sweet! I miss her!

Two Mini Girls said...

that was the sweetest thing. I loved that she gave the baby a sip of water and then had one herself.

Melissa said...

Miles loved Gracie's video! "Do it again."